Partonomy list P4, primary language: LA, subsidiary: FR, interface: EN, work in progress

nuclei reticulares rhombencephali caudalis (par)

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Top level systema nervosum Short Extended
Level 2 encephalon Short Extended
Level 3 rhombencephalon caudale Short Extended
Current level nuclei reticulares rhombencephali caudalis (par)
Subsidiary language with Latin
Non Latin primary language
Partonomy list
Short official Latin term
Short French equivalent
5403 Tax
nuclei reticulares rhombencephali caudalis (par)
noyaux réticulés du rhombencéphale caudal (paire)
72576 5404 Tax
nucleus gigantocellularis (par)
noyau gigantocellulaire (paire)
77107 5405 Tax
pars alpha (par)
partie alpha (paire)
76832 5406 Tax
nucleus gigantocellularis anterior (par) ; nucleus gigantocellularis ventralis (par)
noyau gigantocellulaire antérieur (paire) ; noyau gigantocellulaire ventral (paire)
72577 5407 Tax
nucleus paragigantocellularis lateralis (par)
noyau paragigantocellulaire latéral (paire)
nucleus gigantocellularis proprius (par)
noyau gigantocellulaire propre (paire)
72579 5416 Tax
nucleus reticularis centralis (par)
noyau réticulé central (paire)
72581 5417 Tax
pars dorsalis (par)
partie dorsale (paire)
72583 5418 Tax
pars ventralis (par)
partie ventrale (paire)
72575 5414 Tax
nucleus reticularis parvocellularis (par)
noyau réticulé parvocellulaire (paire)
72578 5415 Tax
nucleus paragigantocellularis posterior (par) ; nucleus paragigantocellularis dorsalis (par)
noyau paragigantocellulaire postérieur (paire) ; noyau paragigantocellulaire dorsal (paire)
zona reticularis intermedia (par) ; nucleus reticularis intermedius (par)
zone réticulée intermédiaire (paire) ; noyau réticulé intermédiaire (paire)
8078 Tax
centrum respiratorium ventrale rostrale (par)
centre respiratoire ventral rostral (paire)
8080 Tax
centrum respiratorium ventrale caudale (par)
centre respiratoire ventral caudal (paire)
8081 Tax
centrum expiratorium medullae (par)
centre expiratoire médullaire (paire)
8083 Tax
centrum generans motus respiratorii (par)
centre générateur du rythme respiratoire (paire)
8084 Tax
centrum vasomotorium medullare ventrolaterale rostrale (par)
centre vasomoteur médullaire ventrolatéral rostral (paire)
8086 Tax
centrum vasomotorium medullae ventrolaterale caudale (par)
centre vasomoteur médullaire ventrolatéral caudal (paire)
18 lines
83.3 %
94.4 %
Scientific notes
Libelle of note
The Zona reticularis intermedia (Intermediate reticular zone of Paxinos et al. 1990) is the junctional zone between the alar and basal plates in the medulla oblongata and retropontine tegmentum. It contains the motoneurons of the ambiguus, retrofacial and facial nuclei, and the retroambiguus nucleus (Paxinos G, Huang X-F 1995 Atlas of the Human Brain Stem. Academic Press, CA). The IRZ around this motoneuron column includes the Bötzinger complex, the pre-Bötzinger complex and rostral and ventral respiratory and vasomotor groups (Blessing WW, Benarroch EE 2012 Lower brainstem regulation of visceral, cardiovascular, and respiratory function. In: Mai JK, Paxinos G, eds: The Human Central Nervous System, 3rd ed. Elsevier, Amsterdam, pp 1058-1073). Alternatively, certain nuclei have been grouped as Lateral reticular formation (Nieuwenhuys R, Voogd J, van Huijzen C 2008 The Human Central Nervous System, 4th ed. Springer, Heidelberg).
Type of list P4
List Unit Identifier 5403
Number of children 53 (validated)
Number of units 18 (validated)
Signature 805 (validated since 11.6.2019)
Date: 31.05.2024